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WEBSITE: www.kvadav.com

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/kvadavkarnal/

YOUTUBE: College activities are available on YouTube

PHONE NO.: 0184-2252429, 9467522329

Salient Features Of The College

Click here to view Sustaining Relationships of College
  • Hostel facility available
  1. Special fee concession for the students having more than 90%.
  2. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are organized in plenty with course curriculum.
  3. Many types of scholarships/fee concessions are provided to the poor and meritorious students from various sources.
  4. Scholarship is given to each student of Diploma in Health Care.
  5. International and National players will be given 100 % fee waiver on the recommendation of the HOD, Physical Education.

Students' Satisfaction Survey Form